Prevalence of the Newcastle Virus in chickens native to rural communities in the South of Ecuador
Newcastle disease virus, native henAbstract
Newcastle disease is a highly contagious and often severe disease, present in worldwide scale. It affects birds, including domestic poultry, which includes native hen. The Southern Region of Ecuador has substantial populations of native hens, kept under traditional management systems. This study was carried out with the objective to determine the prevalence of Newcastle disease virus (NDV), for which a random sampling of 304 animals among males and females. ELISA kit was applied to determine the prevalence of native hens biotypes. Newcastle prevalence was determined in native chickens biotypes. The results showed 9,85 %of virus prevalence, despite these poultry had not vaccination history against NDV.Data reveled viral circulation in absence of clinical symptoms associated with this disease. The results also showed lower prevalence than the reported by other studies in South America, in native hens under traditional growth system. Moreover statistical analysis suggests association between prevalence of virus and landraces, Barbona and Enana.References
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