Public policies and recycling: Contribution to environmental sustainability in Ecuador

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Luz Gaona-Castillo
Mario Contreras-Jaramillo


This research work analyzes public policies for the promotion of recycling at a global level and its application in Ecuador. 60 public policies related to recycling in a total of 15 countries were examined, evaluating economic, social and environmental indicators. Best practices were identified in countries such as Germany, Austria and the Netherlands. The results revealed that developed countries have made significant progress, while underdeveloped countries depend mainly on the willingness of citizens to recycle, which limits progress. In Ecuador more is needed than adopting successful policies from other countries, there needs to be a culture and citizen awareness through government stimulus or actions. This research shows the importance for a territory of the articulation of effort between the academy, state and society for the construction of more efficient and sustainable public policies, therefore, the main experiences worldwide are taken into account so that they can be models. of references in the proposal that is presented as a public policy not only from a quantitative but also a qualitative perspective, which is what is lacking in most policies in the country.


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How to Cite
Gaona-Castillo, L., & Contreras-Jaramillo, M. (2024). Public policies and recycling: Contribution to environmental sustainability in Ecuador. Revista Económica, 12(2), 27–36.


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