A statistical approach to the analysis of manufacturing productivity and its relationship with wages in Mexico

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Dr. Eduardo Arriola-Ruiz
David Vázquez Guzmán


This paper seeks to shed light on the relation between manufacturing productivity and wage level in Mexico. With a variety of tests, we obtain that, for selected years, paradoxically, a higher sector productivity in Mexico corresponds a lower price of wages. We compared the average wage of federal states by making a difference between those with high and others with low level of productivity and manufacturing, and for that we build a panel data with information from official sources, such as the Mexican Social Security Institute and the National Institute of Statistics and Geography (IMSS and INEGI respectively, by their acronym in Spanish), for the period 2007 to 2017. A t-test for independent samples and a linear regression model with different robustness checks were carried out, and we conclude that this dynamic can be explained by the wage-productivity gap existing in the country, automation technologies and the heterogeneity of investment in technology applied in the different productive sectors across states of the federation.

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How to Cite
Arriola-Ruiz, E., & Vázquez Guzmán, D. (2025). A statistical approach to the analysis of manufacturing productivity and its relationship with wages in Mexico. Revista Económica, 13(1), 52–65. https://doi.org/10.54753/rve.v13i1.2270


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