Effect of technology spending on unemployment: evidence for 50 countries using panel data, period 2000-2016

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Jennifer Agila
Brayan Tillaguango


The objective of this research is to examine the incidence of the increase in spending ontechnological improvements on the percentage of unemployed in different groups of countries.The data were sizes from the World Bank and UNESCO, period 2000-2016. Paneldata econometrics methodologies were used. The research is theoretically based on a writingby JohnMaynard Keynes, where he expresses the importance of analyzing the effect oftechnological innovations on the labor market. Indeed, the results show that for each unitof increase in spending on technology, unemployment increases by 1.5. Finally, the challengefor all countries would be to be framed in the implementation of projects aimed ateconomic activities that strengthen the formation of human capital with respect to the useof technology and innovation, business activities and the ease of starting entrepreneurialprojects. In addition, all the unemployed should be included in public works projects, inthe case of men, based on the construction of roads, houses, parks, among other things;without looking for the need to hire foreign services.

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How to Cite
Agila, J., & Tillaguango, B. (2021). Effect of technology spending on unemployment: evidence for 50 countries using panel data, period 2000-2016. Revista Económica, 8(2), 30–39. Retrieved from https://revistas.unl.edu.ec/index.php/economica/article/view/907


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