Índice de eficiencia del mercado laboral, revisión para Ecuador desde el reporte WEF 2018

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Katherine Cevallos


This paper reviews the Labor Market Efficiency Index of the global competitiveness report prepared by the World Economic Forum with the precision of comparing efficiency between countries and in a timely manner with Ecuador. To carry out the study, 60 countries will be selected as a reference base to determine if there is a relationship between the index and its economic development. Countries that are much more efficient with respect to countries that are in the last positions and clearly defined rigid labor schemes, such as African countries and some in Latin America. 12 criteria are used that are used by the Forum in 2018 to assess the labor efficiency of each country, providing new alternatives for studies focused on aspects other than work flexibility and evaluations evaluations regarding the employer-employee relationship, policies labor, payments and productivity, and others. In Ecuador, its position 113 in the labor market ranking demonstrates its level of inflexibility, in addition other indicators are taken that are related to the insertion of women and the work spaces given in recent years, although ignored in the media Son communication of vital importance when analyzing them in time.


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How to Cite
Cevallos, K. (2020). Índice de eficiencia del mercado laboral, revisión para Ecuador desde el reporte WEF 2018. Sur Academia: Revista Académica-Investigativa De La Facultad Jurídica, Social Y Administrativa, 7(13). Retrieved from https://revistas.unl.edu.ec/index.php/suracademia/article/view/621
Artículos de Investigación científica y tecnológica