El “Chazo Lojano”, Una Aproximación a su Identificación

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Mauricio Fabián Aguirre Aguirre
Fernando Patricio Aguirre Aguirre


In the present paper, a socio-anthropological investigation is carried out, guided to know the habitant of an area of the province of Loja, known as CHAZO. In the same investigation we touch topics about their characteristics like filiation,  physical, language, religion, beliefs, customs and migration; factors that clearly describe this habitant of southern Ecuador and that has special characteristics in their human behavior.
KEYWORDS:Socio-anthropology, Factors, Territory, Behavior, Particularity.


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How to Cite
Aguirre Aguirre, M. F., & Aguirre Aguirre, F. P. (2019). El “Chazo Lojano”, Una Aproximación a su Identificación. Sur Academia: Revista Académica-Investigativa De La Facultad Jurídica, Social Y Administrativa, 5(10), 8–16. Retrieved from https://revistas.unl.edu.ec/index.php/suracademia/article/view/625
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Author Biography

Mauricio Fabián Aguirre Aguirre, Universidad Nacional de Loja

Docente Investigador de la UNL. Abogado. Ingeniero Comercial. Master en Filosofia. Master en Docencia Universitaria.Doctor en Jurisprudencia