Phenotypic and agronomic attributes of two achiote (Bixa orellana L.) cultivars in Madre de Dios, Peru




Iñapari, morphology, phenology, yield


Bixa orellana is one of the most produced and exported dyes in Peru. However, there are limitations for its correct production and use, for example, the use of improved varieties. In this sense, this work aimed to measure the phenotypic and agronomic characteristics of the Sensient and Embrapa 37 cultivars in the department of Madre de Dios. We found that for both there are two moments of flowering and fruiting (and harvest). First flowering: January-February (Sensient)/February-March (Embrapa 37). First fruiting: February-March (Sensient)/March-April (Embrapa 37). Second flowering: June-July (Sensient)/July-August (Embrapa 37). Second fruit set: July-August (Sensient)/August-September (Embrapa 37). The phenotypic characteristics differed only in the color of the mature leaf and midrib, which for Sensient were dark green, while for Embrapa 37 they were light green. In the fruit characteristics we noticed some differences, in fact, in Sensient the capsule had an ovoid shape with an obtuse apex and a rounded base, while, for the same characteristics, for Embrapa 37 an elongated capsule with rounded apex and flat base was recorded. In general, Sensient showed better growth in terms of plant height and stem diameter as well as better values for number of panicles/plant and 100-seed weight which finally resulted in higher yield (2.85 t/ha of grain). In conclusion, Sensient showed better adaptation and yield than Embrapa 37.


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How to Cite

Zafra Lapatnikova, M., Alarcon Pardo, O. S., Julca Otiniano , A., Alvarado Huamán, L., & Borjas Ventura , R. (2024). Phenotypic and agronomic attributes of two achiote (Bixa orellana L.) cultivars in Madre de Dios, Peru. Bosques Latitud Cero, 14(1), 47–63.