Agroforestry strategies applied to coffee




Agroforestry systems, coffee, strategies


Agroforestry systems (AFS) that integrate coffee cultivation, recognized as AFS coffee or shade-grown coffee, provide a wide range of ecosystem services, which not only improve the socioeconomic conditions of the families involved in coffee production, but also contribute to the enrichment of environmental quality in the communities where they are implemented. In this context, the main purpose of this research was to identify strategies within the agroforestry systems that strengthen the integral development of coffee production in the parish of San Pedro de Vilcabamba. To achieve this objective, an exhaustive bibliometric review was carried out focused on agroforestry strategies applied to coffee production, using scientific databases to later carry out a complete diagnosis of the diverse strategies used in coffee production and based on a survey applied to experts in the area to select those that best adapt to the study parish. The main results show an increase in research on agroforestry strategies in coffee production in the Scopus and Radelyc databases, especially in Latin America. In addition, two types of AFS applied to coffee were identified: traditional and commercial; whereas, the choice of AFS strategies for the San Pedro de Vilcabamba parish should be based on an agroforestry design that will depend on various factors that must be evaluated according to the specific conditions of the region, the objectives of the producer and the characteristics of the environment.


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Author Biography

Johanna Paola Briceño Salas, Carrera de Agronegocios - Universidad Técnica Particular de Loja

Mgtr. Johanna Paola Briceño Salas  Información general Título de tercer nivel: Ingeniera en Gestión Ambiental Título de cuarto nivel: Máster en Desarrollo y Codesarrollo Local sostenible / Máster en Agronegocios Sostenibles  Departamento: Ciencias Biológicas y Agropecuarias Correo electrónico: Teléfono: (07) 370 1444


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How to Cite

Briceño Salas, J. P., & Torres , V. (2024). Agroforestry strategies applied to coffee. Bosques Latitud Cero, 14(2), 40–50.