Richness, structure and diversity tree of the forest montano low, Zamora Chinchipe-Ecuador



richness, structure, diversity, conservation, tree


We studied the low montane Evergreen forest in the watershed "El Padmi" Zamora Chinchipe, with the objective of knowing the richness, structure and diversity. For this purpose a permanent sampling (UMP) unit was installed 1 ha, registering all individuals with diameter ≥ 5 cm DAP. Is calculated the frequency, abundance, dominance and index of value of importance of the species and families. The richness of species of determined with those models mathematicians of Chao 1 and Bootstrap. The diversity is calculation with the index of Shannon Wiener and Pielou. The results indicate that families with higher IVIF are: Rubiaceae, Lauraceae y Myristicaceae. The species with greater IVI are: Nectandra reticulata(Lauraceae), Otoba parvifolia, Otoba glycycarpa(Myristicaceae) y Pseudolmedia laevigata. The distribution of individuals by class diametric was normal and balanced. The estimates of wealth indicated that is recorded more than the 85% of them individuals, giving a diversity (H ́ = 4.3), the index of Pielou (0.81)


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How to Cite

Palacios, B., Aguirre Mendoza, Z., Lozano, D., & Yaguana, C. (2017). Richness, structure and diversity tree of the forest montano low, Zamora Chinchipe-Ecuador. Bosques Latitud Cero, 6(2), 105–118. Retrieved from

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