Correspondence analysis in the floristic diversity on coffee agroecosystems of the Peruvian central rain forest
Coffea arabica, floristic diversity, agroecosystems, tropical forest, diversity indexesAbstract
The present study evaluated the floristic diversity present in three different coffee agroecosys-tems of the Peruvian central rain forest: El Oconal, Alto Kimiriki and Río Venado, that allowed knowing the species of greater importance in the crop, both introduced species and native species. The study was realised with the botanical identification of species, indexes of vegetal diversity in permanent plots. The species found were: Inga brachyptera (known as Pacae), that predominates in the El Oconal and Rio Venado areas, while Musa paradisiaca was the main specie found in Alto Kimiriki, other species such as Pinus sp. (pino), Perebea sp., (chimicua) and Cedrelinga sp. (screw) are present in the three study areas, many of them scarce but preserved by the shade that the product to the crop. The Shannon Weaver index (H') showed that there is a differentiation between sectors, finding higher values of 3,63 bits ind-1 for Rio Venado-Satipo, while correspondence analysis showed the tendency to group species around each sector of study, obtaining that in the sector of Villa Rica, species such as Inga sp., Juglans neotropica, Pseudolmedia rigida, Ficus sp., Citrus cinensis, they are mostly concentrated; while in Satipo, the species Cedrelinga catenaeformis, Calycophillum sp. they show the highest correspondence with the place, and in the Pichanaki sector the correlation is less strong than in the two sectors, with Heliocarpus sp. and Cedrela sp. being mostly correlated.Metrics
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