Microscopic characteristics of wood in three mangrove species from southern Ecuador


  • Hector Zhiñin Quezada National University of Loja
  • Leidy Celi-Delgado National University of Loja
  • Alejadro Vaca-Llivigañay National University of Loja
  • Darwin Pucha-Cofrep National University of Loja


Xylem, mangrove, wood anatomy, Rizophoraceae, IAWA


Mangroves are forest ecosystems characterized by their tolerance to salinity, and with their roots and stems act as strong structures for the protection of coastal areas. The accelerated expansion of shrimp ponds and the agricultural frontier in Ecuador are its main threat. Its wood is used for construction and as charcoal, however, little has been studied its anatomical properties at the microscopic level. Therefore, based on the IAWA regulations, the anatomical characteristics of three mangrove species are described: Avicennia germinans, Rhizophora mangle, and Laguncularia racemosa from the Santa Rosa canton, El Oro province in southern Ecuador. Qualitatively, only A. germinans and L. racemosa presented porous growth rings with remains of phloem strands and fine uniseriate and interspersed bands of sclereid cells. A. germinans and R. mangle presented sparse paratracheal axial parenchyma and L. racemosa diamond-shaped axial parenchyma. In A. germinans and L. racemosa, simple perforation plates with alternating pits were observed, and in R. mangle, scallop plates and pits were observed. All three species had radii of different sizes and thick to very thick-walled fibers. Quantitatively, all species had a mean vessel length ≤ 350-800 μm and up to 100 vessels per square millimeter. There was a high variability in the anatomical structure in the three species. The remains of phloem strands and thin uniseriate and interspersed bands of sclereid cells allow A. germinans and L. racemosa high flexibility against winds and tides.


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2020-12-31 — Updated on 2021-02-24


How to Cite

Zhiñin Quezada, H., Celi-Delgado , L., Vaca-Llivigañay , A., & Pucha-Cofrep , D. (2021). Microscopic characteristics of wood in three mangrove species from southern Ecuador. Bosques Latitud Cero, 10(2), 58–69. Retrieved from https://revistas.unl.edu.ec/index.php/bosques/article/view/827 (Original work published December 31, 2020)


