Vol. 13 No. 2 (2023): Studies of Urban Floristic Composition, Propagation and Sustainable Fertilization

					View Vol. 13 No. 2 (2023): Studies of Urban Floristic Composition, Propagation and Sustainable Fertilization
The scientific journal "Bosques Latitud Cero" presents in the following issue, various aspects related to urban flora and the factors that influence the structure of trees, such as spatial distribution, age and health status of the specimens with links direct to interactive maps; In addition, novel topics for the sexual propagation of Tectona grandis are presented, where different methods and techniques for its sexual propagation are explored. Novel sustainable practices in agriculture are presented, such as the generation of nitrogen through symbiotic production Azolla Anabaena an investigation on the production of nitrogen through symbiosis between Azolla, an aquatic fern, and the bacterium Anabaena azollae. The benefits and applications of this symbiosis in sustainable agriculture are explored, as an alternative for soil fertilization and the improvement of agricultural productivity. In addition, as part of the wide range of topics, the journal also includes a study on the flammability of representative forest species of the Andean forest under laboratory conditions. This topic provides valuable information on the behavior of these species in situations of forest fires and its relevance in the management and prevention of such events.
Published: 2023-07-11
