Use of chemical pesticides on tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L.) under greenhouse and field conditions in Loja, Ecuador


  • Bernardo Castillo-Pérez Universidad Nacional de Loja, Loja, Ecuador
  • Víctor Castillo-Bermeo Universidad Nacional de Loja, Loja, Ecuador


Modes of action, Muilti site action, Withdrawal period, Re-entry period, Pesticides


The present study was aimed to identify, characterize and establish differences between the chemical pesticides used in the productive management of tomato, both in greenhouses and in open fields. The research was done with interviews and direct observation in the productive areas, and carried out evidences of a production based on agrochemicals, executed entirely in an empirical way, ignoring basic aspects such as: recognition of the type of chemical to be used, compliance with doses, frequencies, mixtures and use of protective equipment, among others. The study determined 16 types of insecticides in greenhouses and 8 in open fields, in which the most frequently found modes of action were those that act on the nervous and muscular systems and on the regulation of insect growth. On the other way, 29 types of fungicides were found in greenhouses and 13 in open fields, and the most frequent mode of action was that having multi-site action on the metabolic processes of the fungus. During application, these chemicals were mixed and applied without technical criteria, which may cause overdosage or adverse chemical reactions. In addition, the re-entry periods were not respected and there was no clarity about the withdrawal periods of the chemicals used. We concluded that it is essential to provide technical assistance in the follow-up and control and to issue more severe regulations for the use and management of pesticides, maintaining a permanent monitoring of the use of these chemicals in the province’s agricultural crops.


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How to Cite

Castillo-Pérez, B., & Castillo-Bermeo, V. (2021). Use of chemical pesticides on tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L.) under greenhouse and field conditions in Loja, Ecuador. CEDAMAZ, 11(1), 22–41. Retrieved from



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