Patrones de diversidad de Anuros en el ecosistema páramo del Parque Nacional Podocarpus
anurans, Podocarpus National Park, Pristimantis, Bio-indicatorsAbstract
This research shows the anurans diversity within the paramo at the Podocarpus National Park, with the purpose of establishing a data base to get to know potential impacts of climate change over the anurans. The work was developed around three hollows near the pilot area of the MICCAMBIO project. The methods used were ***** and *****, with diurnal and nocturnal surveys. The anurans registered were 108 individuals, belonging to five species, two genus and one family. The genus Pristimantis was the most diverse, and the most dominant species were Pristimantis grp. orcesi and Pristimantis grp. myersi. The bioindicator species was Pristimantis grp. orcesi, which is propose to be use to monitoring a long period climate change.Metrics
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