Conocimiento inicial de la fenología y germinación de diez especies forestales nativas en El Padmi, Zamora Chinchipe.


  • Zhofre Aguirre Mendoza Universidad Nacional de Loja
  • Néstor León CEDAMAZ


Fenología, especies forestales, propagación, germinación.


The southern region of Ecuador has a great diversity of flora that includes food plants, medicinals, fruit-bearing plants, timber species, etc. But this wealth is extremely vulnerable to human action. The Amazon region has been the source of wood supply for the forest industry, but in most cases only wood is harvested without developing sustainable forest management. Faced with this reality, the National University of Loja has begun to gather a database of technical botanical and horticultural information with a view to promoting research and development aimed at the reintroduction of frequentlyexploited native forest tree species. We investigated the time of flowering, fruiting and reproduction in the nursery of 10 tree species of economic importance in the southern Amazon region of Ecuador. The study was run in the fifth El Padmi and the species studied are: peine de mono Apeiba aspera, maní de árbol Caryodendron orinocense, cedro Cedrela odorata, pituca Clarisia racemosa, yanzao Guarea kunthiana, aravisco Jacaranda copaia, ishpingo Nectandra sp. pigue Piptocoma discolor, yumbinge Terminalia amazonia, remo Aspidosperma laxiflorum. The time of flowering in the various species ranges from April to July and fruiting from July to October. The species with the highest percentage of germination are: Caryodendron orinocense, Nectandra sp. Clarisia racemosa and the species with higher germination rate are: peine de mono Apeiba aspera y cedro Cedrella odorata.


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How to Cite

Aguirre Mendoza, Z., & León, N. (2012). Conocimiento inicial de la fenología y germinación de diez especies forestales nativas en El Padmi, Zamora Chinchipe. CEDAMAZ, 2(1). Retrieved from



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