Nurses experiences facing the death of Covid19 patients in the Intensive Care Unit of Santo Domingo de los Tsáchilas, Ecuador
Experiences, Nursing, Covid19 Patients, Intensive Care UnitAbstract
The coronavirus disease, also called Covid19, identified in December 2019 and declared as a pandemic by the World Health Organization, has generated a great impact on the mental health of health personnel who are on the front line of care. Nevertheless, there are no evidence studies that reflect their experiences, feelings, and attitudes in this service, therefore the development of this study is important aimed at analyzing the nurses’ experience in the face of the death of patients with Covid19 in the Intensive Care Unit. It is a qualitative and phenomenological study of an interpretive nature; a convenience sampling was carried out with 8 semi-structured interviews which were conducted with the ICU nurses of the province of Santo Domingo de Los Tsáchilas who work in the Covid19 area. From the axes of inquiry experience, feeling and coping, the following categories were obtained as a result: "difficult moment in front of the death of the Covid19 patients", "negative feelings after the death of the patient", "fear of contagion", resilience in times of pandemic”, “approach to God and professional support”, “affective detachment with the patient”, and finally “humanized and comprehensive care”. As a conclusion of this study, it is highlighted that nurses experience difficult and chaotic moments in the face of the death of Covid19 patients. This experience generates negative feelings such as sadness, pain, despair, and fear. Furthermore, resilience, approaching God, professional support, and humanized and comprehensive care are coping techniques in this situation. Keywords: Experiences 1, Nursing 2, Covid19 Patients 3, Intensive Care Unit 4.References
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