Microscopic changes in the wood of 10 forest species from the city of Loja, Ecuador

Microscopic changes in the wood of 10 forest species from the city of Loja, Ecuador


  • Eva Fernanda Cueva Briceño Laboratorio de Anatomía de Maderas Tropicales, Carrera de Ingeniería Forestal, Universidad Nacional de Loja, Loja, Ecuador
  • Darwin Alexander Pucha Cofrep Laboratorio de Anatomía de Maderas Tropicales, Carrera de Ingeniería Forestal, Universidad Nacional de Loja, Loja, Ecuador




Urban trees, Wood anatomy, Intra-annual changes, Quantitative characteristics, Tree-rings


The urban tree species of the city of Loja provide multiple ecosystem services. However, the limited knowledge about their structure and growth hinders their management in arboriculture plans. Therefore, this study examined the anatomical characteristics of the wood from the ten most common tree species (nine broadleaved and one conifer) in the city of Loja. The analysis included qualitative, quantitative, and intra-annual aspects, using micrometric cuts in tangential, transversal, and radial planes and was based on the nomenclatura of the International Association of Wood Anatomists (IAWA). The results showed that, although the qualitative anatomical characteristics of the wood do not vary according to the growth site, the quantitative ones do. The most common anatomical features in broadleaved species were solitary vessels, alternate pitting, fiber walls ranging from thin to thick, and procumbent cell rays of 1 and 3 series. On an intra-annual basis, the differentiation between early and late wood was evident by the diameter of the vessels and fibers, a key aspect to better visualize the growth rings. Consequently, it is concluded that the anatomical characteristics, particularly the quantitative ones such as the length and diameter of the vessels, can serve as valuable site indicators to assess the adaptability of forest species in different urban areas of Loja.


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How to Cite

Cueva Briceño, E. F., & Pucha Cofrep , D. A. (2023). Microscopic changes in the wood of 10 forest species from the city of Loja, Ecuador: Microscopic changes in the wood of 10 forest species from the city of Loja, Ecuador. CEDAMAZ, 13(2), 158–171. https://doi.org/10.54753/cedamaz.v13i2.1847



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