Impact of slow charging of electric vehicles on energy quality in the distribution network: a literature prospection
Power quality, EV slow charging, Distribution networks, V2G, Electrical vehiclesAbstract
Introducing electric vehicles (EV) is a key strategy for reducing greenhouse gas emissions and advancing transportation decarbonization. However, this transition poses significant challenges in electrical grids. The widespread adoption of EV can lead to demand fluctuations, load peaks, and affect grid stability and power quality. In response to these challenges, this article presents a systematic literatura review using the PRISMA method to assess the impacts of slow charging of EV on the power quality of distribution networks. The results highlight vehicle-to-grid (V2G) technology as a practical solution that allows EV to function as distributed generation sources. Approaches like load distribution algorithms, smart charging strategies, and optimization models are mentioned. Despite these advancements, the limitation of actual data and local studies in Latin America is emphasized, underscoring the need for context-specific research in the region to adequately address the specific challenges of integrating EVs into local electrical grids.References
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