Influence of the land cover on the runoff coef cients at Catamayo River Basin, Ecuador


  • Aníbal González González Universidad Nacional de Loja
  • Pablo Alvarez-Figueroa Universidad Nacional de Loja
  • Max González Fuertes Universidad Nacional de Loja
  • Zhofre Aguirre-Mendoza Universidad Nacional de Loja


GIS, landcover, remotesensing, runoff coefficient


Land cover is a determining factor in the hydrological balance and runoff generation. The influence of land cover change in the ave- rage runoff coefficient of the upper Catamayo River Basin of the period 1986-1999 was deter- mined by GIS and remote sensing. The metho- dology was divided into three phases: analysis of the real runoff coefficients from the basin by the ratio of precipitated and drained volume; analysis of change of vegetation cover throu- gh satellite images Landsat 5; and application of two indirect methods of generating runoff: rational curve number methods in order to de- termine which holds greater correlation with real coefficients. The data of vegetation cover and runoff coefficients were compared throu- gh geospatial models and statistical tests. The results indicate a good hydrological state of the basin with an average runoff coefficient of 0.41; vegetative cover has a change of 43.5%. The coefficients generated by the number curve method maintain 85% of correlation with real coefficients. Finally, it was possible to conclu- de that the change in vegetation cover did not significantly influence in the fluctuation of ave- rage runoff coefficient of the upper Catamayo River Basin. 


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Author Biographies

Aníbal González González, Universidad Nacional de Loja

Centro de Investigaciones Territoriales-Universidad Nacional de Loja 

Pablo Alvarez-Figueroa, Universidad Nacional de Loja

Programa de Investigación Biodiversidad y Servicios Ecosisté- micos-Universidad Nacional de Loja 

Max González Fuertes, Universidad Nacional de Loja

Carrera de Ingeniería Agrícola-Universidad Nacional de Loja 

Zhofre Aguirre-Mendoza, Universidad Nacional de Loja

Docente de la Universidad Nacional de Loja


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How to Cite

González González, A., Alvarez-Figueroa, P., González Fuertes, M., & Aguirre-Mendoza, Z. (2017). Influence of the land cover on the runoff coef cients at Catamayo River Basin, Ecuador. CEDAMAZ, 6(1). Retrieved from



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