Prevalence of diseases that affect reproduction in dairy cattle Canton Loja
Prevalence, Leptospirosis, Neosporosis, BVD, IBR, TuberculosisAbstract
The study of the most common diseases that are present on farms and affect reproduc- tion of dairy cattle in the canton Loja, Ecuador, many of which are zoonotic, generate serious public health problems and cause economic los- ses addressed. For the diagnosis of brucellosis techniques Rose Bengal (RB) and slow agglutina- tion (SAT) for Leptospirosis the Micro agglutina- tion test (MAT), DVB and IBR testing by indirect enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay was used was used (iELISA ), and the competitive enzyme linked immunosorbent assay (cELISA) to neos- porosis. 856 bovine blood samples from 158 farms in urban and rural parishes of the canton Loja by puncturing the coccygeal artery ave- rage taken. Tuberization simple test (SIT) was conducted in the field, 357 cattle. The samples were taken from cattle older than six months. The highest incidence was found leptospirosis (74.83%), Neosporosis (22.31%), IBR (20.75%), DVB (8.24%) and TBB (6.16%). In 7.29% of cases, seropositive reaction of one animal was found up to four different diseases. Race, age and sex were not expressed as predisposing factors.References
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