Analysis of the socio-economic effects on the mining project Faique, Macara Canton, province of Loja


  • Jimmy Stalin Paladines Universidad Nacional de Loja
  • José Francisco Ochoa Alfaro Universidad Nacional de Loja
  • Gonzalo Ramiro Riofrio Cruz Universidad Nacional de Loja


Environmental economics, environmental impact, resource allocation, externalities, pollution


This paper aims to analyze and determine the optimal allocation of financial resources to the mining area "El Faique" in order to obtain an efficient production, without causing negative effects to the environment; Environmental degradation has become of great importance at the global level since production processes of any kind will cause an impact, in some cases irreversible, that will result in an alteration in the economic budget of the project, hence the importance of investigating the Planning and subsequent implementation in the budget of a project whose objective will be to minimize all these negative interactions of the project. Contributing to the sustainable development of mining production processes. The study was carried out in the El Faique project, evaluating the following indicators: mining field, exploration process, (galleries postage), and interaction with the social area of influence of the project. Descriptive methods were used to determine how the sector is located, and then, through automated methods, to describe the effects. The results determine that there is no possible exchange of goods to increase one's welfare without worsening the well-being of another per- son, however, that social components are very important at the time of budgeting. 


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Author Biographies

Jimmy Stalin Paladines, Universidad Nacional de Loja

Profesor Principal de la carrera de Geología Ambiental yOrdenamiento Territorial de la UNL

José Francisco Ochoa Alfaro, Universidad Nacional de Loja

Profesor Principal de la carrera de Geología Ambiental yOrdenamiento Territorial de la UNL

Gonzalo Ramiro Riofrio Cruz, Universidad Nacional de Loja

Profesor Principal de la carrera de Ingeniería enElectromecánica de la UNL.


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How to Cite

Stalin Paladines, J., Ochoa Alfaro, J. F., & Riofrio Cruz, G. R. (2017). Analysis of the socio-economic effects on the mining project Faique, Macara Canton, province of Loja. CEDAMAZ, 6(1). Retrieved from



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