Concentration in the destination of exports: an empirical analysis for the countries of the Andean Community of Nations

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Nathaly Jiménez
Mishel Piña
Paola Chuncho


The objective of this research is to estimate the role of exports for the countries of the Andean Community (CA) in the period 1960-2014, using data from the World Bank. The results show that the original export function is partially fulfilled, since the GDP of the United States affects exports in all the member countries of the CA, but the exchange rate shows a positive and statistically significant relation in Bolivia, Colombia, And Peru, this result contrasts with what is theoretically established in which it manifests a negative relation between the variables. To capture other special characteristics we include a set of control variables such as gross value added, rate of urbanization, gross fixed capital formation, and government spending. This new model generates important changes and contributions regarding the external sector of each country. An economic policy implication based on our results focuses on improving intraregional trade, facilitating the exchange of value-added products at lower cost to member countries, and encouraging domestic and foreign investment to achieve sustainable economic growth for the region.


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How to Cite
Jiménez, N., Piña, M., & Chuncho, P. (2017). Concentration in the destination of exports: an empirical analysis for the countries of the Andean Community of Nations. Revista Económica, 2(1), 55–65. Retrieved from
Author Biographies

Nathaly Jiménez, Universidad Nacional de Loja

Carrera de Economía Universidad Nacional de Loja, Loja Ecuador

Mishel Piña, Universidad Nacional de Loja

Carrera de Economía Universidad Nacional de Loja, Loja Ecuador

Paola Chuncho, Universidad Nacional de Loja

Carrera de Economía Universidad Nacional de Loja, Loja Ecuador


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