Tax burden and its impact on the ability to do business, countries that make up the G20 group in the period 1995-2016

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David Cosíos
Karen Íñiguez
Roberto Erazo


As the economy of the countries advances, the tax burden has generated greater rigor atthe time of its collection, damaging to some extent the incentive of companies to do businessin some countries, while in others it contributes to its strengthening. The objective ofthis research is to analyze the tax burden and its impact on the capacities to do businessin the countries that make up the G20 group. Using panel data and the generalized leastsquares (GLS) methodology for the 20 countries during the period 1995-2016. The G20group will in turn be classified into three groups: high income countries, upper middle income,lower middle income. The results show high significance for all the models exceptthe control variable foreign direct investment. The proposed policy implication is aimed atcontrolling the tax burden in the face of excessive public spending in non-productive sectorsof MYPES, the strategic selection of foreign investors and the fight against corruptionof authorities in charge of collecting taxes.

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How to Cite
Cosíos, D., Íñiguez, K., & Erazo, R. (2021). Tax burden and its impact on the ability to do business, countries that make up the G20 group in the period 1995-2016. Revista Económica, 8(2), 92–100. Retrieved from


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