El activo circulante en compañías ecuatorianas del sector C del CIIU y su rendimiento económico

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Luis Riofrío
Elvia Zhapa
Ignacia Luzuriaga
Hipatia Girón


Information is a fundamental element in decision-making, especially in the business sector, in companies in the manufacturing sector of Ecuador, which belongs to the Unified International Industrial Classification denomination (C), and which are run by the Superintendence of Securities and Insurance; the purpose of their legal representatives and shareholders is to obtain favorable or positive benefits, the objective of the study is to determine the relationship of the variables net working capital, liquidity, current assets and equity in the economic results of the companies that belong to the manufacturing sector of Ecuador, the study is part of an analysis of the information obtained from the financial statements presented to the Superintendence of Securities and Insurance Companies, unbalanced panel data from the years 2015 to 2020, to determine through From the regression analysis, the incidence of the independent variables, in the dependent variable, in the result of the fiscal years, the model shows a high inverse relationship of the independent variables in the dependent variable, that is to say, not necessarily with having a good liquidity, a positive working capital and growth in investment is achieved to obtain favorable benefits orable in the economic periods, which can be evidenced that maintaining a positive net working capital, a liquidity greater than one, an increase in own financing or equity, does not guarantee obtaining favorable results in the companies. Through the model it clearly shows a negative correlation and a b0 = -4321297.7, that is, when the value of the dependent variable results of the exercise is -4321297.7, the independent variables will be equal to zero, it can also be inferred that when the independent variables grow the dependent variable results for the year decreases.


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How to Cite
Riofrío, L., Zhapa, E., Luzuriaga, I., & Girón, H. (2023). El activo circulante en compañías ecuatorianas del sector C del CIIU y su rendimiento económico. Sur Academia: Revista Académica-Investigativa De La Facultad Jurídica, Social Y Administrativa, 10(20), 44–58. https://doi.org/10.54753/suracademia.v10i20.1739
Artículos de Investigación científica y tecnológica


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