From Correísmo to Anti-Correísmo. Radicalization, polarization and political change in Ecuador.

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Israel Celi Toledo


This article seeks to explain the crisis of the correísta regime in Ecuador. Through a qualitative case study focused on the analysis of political interactions and causal mechanisms, we seek to contribute to the understanding of radical political changes and institutional instability in Ecuador. The investigation evidences that correísmo dominated the Ecuadorian politics during a decade, thanks to the impulse of the anti-pactist constitutionalism, polarizing to interest groups, social movements and political actors against him. These actors worked together to force a crisis within the correísmo in a moment of economic recession. Arose like this a new radical change in Ecuador, marked by the rise of anti-correísmo and the permanence of a polarizing political scene.


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How to Cite
Celi Toledo, I. (2020). From Correísmo to Anti-Correísmo. Radicalization, polarization and political change in Ecuador. Sur Academia: Revista Académica-Investigativa De La Facultad Jurídica, Social Y Administrativa, 7(13). Retrieved from
Artículos de Revisión


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