Spatial distribution of Hypothenemus hampei Ferrari in coffee agroecosystems of the Peruvian central rain forest


  • Vinicio Alvarado Universidad Nacional de Loja


Coffea arabica, floristic diversity, agroecosystems, Hypothenemus hampei, Kernel density


Patterns of spatial distribution of insect pests such as Hypothenemus hampei Ferrari can vary according to environmental or physiological conditions; the variations of the vegetation that take place when managing the shade in the coffee agroecosystems, modify the floristic diversity, an im-portant factor when understanding the distribution of insects and their natural regulators. The ob-jective of the study was the evaluation of the spatial distribution of Hypothenemus hampei Ferrari under different states of floristic diversity in coffee agroecosystems of the central jungle of Peru: El Oconal, Alto Kimiriki and Río Venado, starting from the hypothesis that the various interactions between organisms are found in the areas of greatest floristic diversity. From the study of floristic diversity in these places through diversity indexes; the incidence of H. hampei was compared in eight permanent plots that included 10 coffee plants, installed in each of the sectors for a period of six months. With the obtained data, a Kernel density spatial analysis was performed with the ArcGIS® software. The spatial distribution of the insect was conditioned to the sectors of greater vegetation and shade. The floristic diversity did not have a direct effect on the spatial distribution of H. Hampei in the study sites.


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Author Biography

Vinicio Alvarado, Universidad Nacional de Loja

Docente de la carrera de Ingeniería Ambiental de la Universidad de Loja, imparte las asignaturas de Control de la Contaminación Atmosférica, Impactos de las Actividades Rurales en el Medio Biótico


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2018-06-12 — Updated on 2021-03-15


How to Cite

Alvarado, V. (2021). Spatial distribution of Hypothenemus hampei Ferrari in coffee agroecosystems of the Peruvian central rain forest. Bosques Latitud Cero, 8(1), 57–69. Retrieved from (Original work published June 12, 2018)


