Determination of the optimal disinfection factors using Bioperac in passion fruit, lemon and avocado from the Catamayo canton.
Postharvest, Disinfection, Bioperac, QualityAbstract
The determination and application of optimal disinfection parameters during the post-harvest process of fruits and vegetables is essential, it keeps the product in good condition and ensures that it does not constitute a risk to the consumer’s health. This research was focused on guaranteeing the quality and safety of agricultural products, specifically passion fruit, lemon and avocado, produced in the La Era neighborhood of the Catamayo Canton, province of Loja. For this, a sample size of 68 units per product was determined, subsequently preliminary tests were developed using five concentrations of Bioperac disinfectant (0.25; 0.50; 1.00; 1.50 and 2.00%) and by means of an organoleptic analysis established the definitive treatments; quality characteristics were evaluated in these: organoleptic, physical-chemical and microbiological; Finally, the production costs required in the post-harvest handling of the products were determined. The results obtained regarding the quality and safety analyzes of the definitive treatments indicated that the optimal disinfection factors for passion fruit, lemon and avocado correspond to 1.00% Bioperac, with a contact time of 3 minutes, at a temperature of refrigerated at 7 oC, packed in polyethylene (lemon) and polypropylene (passion fruit and avocado) bags. The shelf life for passion fruit and avocado was 35 days, while for lemon it was 49 days, whose production costs are lower than those offered by supermarkets in the city of Loja.References
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