Development of a computer application for the search for real estate rental offer in the city of Loja


  • Steeven Michael Armijos Bravo Carrera de Ingeniería en Sistemas, Universidad Nacional de Loja, Loja, Ecuador
  • Wilman Chamba-Zaragocín Carrera de Ingeniería en Sistemas, Universidad Nacional de Loja, Loja, Ecuador



Software development, Web application, Property search, Xp methodology, Mean stack


Finding a real estate where to live to satisfy the need for housing when living, working or studying outside the hometown, is something important that requires time and money. Based on this, the present article consisted of developing a computer application for the search of real estate rental offer for the inhabitants of the city of Loja, which consists of 4 phases, in the first phase a review of similar works was carried out to identify general requirements, then surveys were applied to 186 people to acquire requirements that contrast with those obtained previously, resulting in the requirements specification document according to the IEEE830 standard. In the second phase the application design was carried out, where the XP methodology and the 4+1 model respectively were used to organize the application, in the same way the multilayer client server architecture was used to separate the presentation logic, business logic and data logic; in the third phase the web service API REST, the web and mobile client were coded. Finally, in the fourth phase, functionality tests were performed based on the acceptance criteria of the User Stories, load and stress tests obtaining adequate response times of the request between the client and the server, and usability tests were carried out in a controlled environment where 63 people were surveyed identifying that the application is easy to use and helps to reduce the search time of a real estate. In the second phase, the development and design of the application was carried out, so the XP methodology and the 4+1 model were used respectively to organize the application, in the same way the multilayer client server architecture was used to separate the presentation logic, business logic and data logic.Finally, in this third phase, functionality tests were performed based on the acceptance criteria of user stories, load and stress tests obtaining adequate response times of the request between the client and the server, and usability tests were carried out in a controlled environment where 63 people were surveyed identifying that the application is easy to use and helps reduce search time of a property.


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How to Cite

Armijos Bravo, S. M., & Chamba-Zaragocín, W. . (2022). Development of a computer application for the search for real estate rental offer in the city of Loja. CEDAMAZ, 12(1), 68–76.



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