Learning the Braille reading and writing system based on ICTs
Braille, Application, Teaching, Bliseo, Visual impairmentAbstract
The present research consisted in the development of a mobile application called “Escribir con puntos“, for teaching Braille reading to people with or without visual impairment. We started by examining the state of the art on teaching based on ICTs of the Braille system, The application was designed and built together with a person with this type of disability and the evaluation of the application was based on the recommendations of an expert in Psychorehabilitation and especial education. The r esearch is of a scientific, exploratory and descriptive nature since it makes use of the analytical and scientific method, case studies, interviews and academic resources such as the didactic guide for Braille reading and writing. Finally, We were demonstrated that “Escribir con puntos“ will help in the teaching of the Braille system supporting the teaching-learning process to teachers,I was based on the results obtained in the evaluation of the application, following the pedagogical guidelines given by the expert in psychorehabilitation.References
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