Variation of diatoms (Bacillariophyta) in a gradient of the riverbank conservation status of the Malacatos river, Loja- Ecuador
Riparian zone, Periphyton, Epilithic diatoms, Diversity, EquitabilityAbstract
The ecological conditions of Andean rivers determine the health of these ecosystems and, consequently, water quality. A study was carried out in the Malacatos River in Loja canton to determine the influence of the conservation state of the river’s riparian zones on the diversity, richness and productivity of diatom communities, phytoplankton organisms that are used as bioindicators of environmental conditions. Three study zones were defined: a stretch with native riparian vegetation, a zone with disturbed riparian forest (semi-conserved zone) and a stretch without riparian vegetation (urban zone). For each zone, transects were determined in the river, and periphyton samples were taken. The results reported the presence of 21 genera of epilithic diatoms. A moderate diversity and a high evenness of diatom communities was determined in the riparian zone with native and semi-conserved vegetation, in contrast to the urban section that showed a low diversity and evenness with a dominance of few genera (Navicula and Nitzschia). The record of several diatom genera in different environmental gradients determined that the conservation state of riparian vegetation adjacent to the Malacatos River watercourse may influence the richness, composition, diversity and biovolume of diatom communities. Overview, the results showed the state of conservation of riparian vegetation and the anthropogenic activities around the river influenced on diatom ecology and consequently they may affect water quality. In this context, the scientific community agrees on the importance of assessing the ecological integrity of aquatic ecosystems, focusing on biological traits of bioindicator organisms.Metrics
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