Antimicrobial resistance patterns of Enterobacterales isolated from 2018 to 2020, Medilab Clinic – Medihospital, Loja
Enterobacteria, Bacterial drug resistance, Escherichia coli, Klebsiella pneumoniaeAbstract
Among the factors that favor the appearance of bacterial resistance is the continuous exposure to drugs, which allows bacteria to adapt and mutate, avoiding their lysis and maintaining their growth capacity, limiting the use of antibiotic therapy for their eradication, which causes the need to create new drugs for the treatment of these "superbacteria", therefore, knowing the antimicrobial susceptibility patterns of the circulating strains in the environment allows to make right medical decisions for an empirical treatment. The present research work had a quantitative approach and a retrospective-cross-sectional design. The objective was to determine the patterns of antimicrobial resistance of Enterobacterales in samples of patients from hospitalization and outpatient clinic who attended the Medilab Clinic – Medihospital in the period 2018 - 2020. The study included 848 reports of crops and antibiograms whose isolates identified Enterobacterales; urine represented 90,21% of the samples processed, Escherichia coli was the prevalent pathogen in urine, blood and secretions with 83%, 80% and 33,90% respectively. According to the antimicrobial resistance pattern of hospital strains, Klebsiella pneumoniae had resistance percentages greater than 70% for nitrofurantoin, amoxicillin/clavulanic acid, and first and third generation cephalosporins, the 34,39% was ESBL and the 9,76% carbapenemases; maintained its sensitivity to carbapenems, while Enterobacter cloacae in community strains, presented percentages of 100% resistance against second, third and fourth generation cephalosporinsReferences
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