Functional diversity of chiroptera in the Experimental Station El Padmi, canton Yanzatza, Zamora Chinchipe, Ecuador
Bats, Diversity indices, Functional richness, Functional equitability, Functional divergence, Functional dispersionAbstract
In Latin America and the Caribbean, agricultural activities and anthropogenic activities are generally altering habitats, leading to a reduction in biodiversity. This directly affects the diversity and ecological interactions of bats. To understand these interactions and how differences in morphology and behavior affect their ecological function, the adoption of the functional diversity approach is crucial. The study aims to analyze the functional diversity of bats in the El Padmi Experimental Station in the Ecuadorian Amazon. The área was divided into three vegetation areas: botanical garden, grassland and forest. In each area, a 300-meter transect was established with 8 mist nets, recording bat individuals and measuring morphological characteristics. Using programs such as R, FDiversity and Info Stat, the functional diversity of the bat communities in the three vegetation covers was evaluated. A total of 178 individuals belonging to 9 genera and 14 species of the Phyllostomidae family were captured. The most diverse genera were Carollia and Artibeus. In terms of functional diversity, the forest showed mean values of evenness, divergence and functional dispersion. This suggests that the area has the capacity to support a varied range of bat species, indicating the existence of resources to be exploited. It also presents some level of vulnerability to the introduction of invasive species into these niches. The three vegetation areas presented similar functional diversity values, indicating that there are underutilized resources and relatively low efficiency.Metrics
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