Does citizen participation policy affect the social control deficit? An explanation through the tracking process and Bayesian formalization. Una explicación mediante el rastreo de procesos y la formalización bayesiana.

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Eduardo Cantos Cortez
Diego A Esparza Aguirre


This work aims to explain the deficit of social control caused by the Ecuadorian institutionalized citizen participation policy in the period 2007-2017. To achieve this, we start from the neo-institutional framework for policy design and outline the following theoretical causal mechanism: a) formulation of a new institutionalized citizen participation policy; b) adaptation to existing rules; c) coercive conflict management. Through the use of the Bayesian formalization, a confidence value of 0.9 is obtained in the hypothesis, which allows us to affirm that the formulation of the causal mechanism is valid and works according to the approach


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How to Cite
Cantos Cortez, E., & Esparza Aguirre, D. A. (2022). Does citizen participation policy affect the social control deficit? An explanation through the tracking process and Bayesian formalization.: Una explicación mediante el rastreo de procesos y la formalización bayesiana. Sur Academia: Revista Académica-Investigativa De La Facultad Jurídica, Social Y Administrativa, 9(17), 9–34.
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