Constitutional, administrative, corporate and criminal analysis in front of the transgression of rights and guarantees derived from the state of exception, decreated by the sanitary emergency covid - 2019.
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This work aims to fundamentally analyze from the observation, the legal, constitutional, corporate, administrative, criminal and economic problems that Ecuadorian society is going through when the Executive Branch decrees the state of exception due to the global pandemic due to COVID-19, which resulted in several executive decrees and ministerial agreements whose provisions violated the rights and constitutional guarantees of the Ecuadorian population, and in particular public servants, violating their legal security, against the right to work, human mobility, health and citizen security, Failing to observe the supremacy and constitutional hierarchy, a situation that motivated the study and analysis of the Constitutional, Administrative, Corporate and Criminal provisions, in order to verify if the rights and guarantees of citizens were violated, the legal security of the same or if the state provided protection ion of fundamental rights to those who, due to pandemic situations, required such protection.
Faced with this problem, it is necessary for the Ecuadorian state to guarantee legal security, protecting the rights of the population that are at risk due to natural phenomena or disasters, providing them with security and protection that allows them to overcome this emergency, protecting life, sources of work, production, labor and applying the provisions established in our legislation and, if necessary, to issue or reform laws in order to avoid abuses of power due to lack of legal provisions.
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