Globalization, Capitalism and emergency- New Word Order.

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Jorge Zaruma


In these lines, the debatable configuration that globalization requires -nourished by capitalism- is narrated in an emergency context corresponding to Covid-19. Of course, the study of globalization - beyond capitalism - involves a theoretical revision that is not decisive under any circumstances. And there is precisely, where conceptual limitations are generated, since its polysemic nature hinders its comprehensive understanding. However, this difficulty should not be understood as a space for speculation, since as it is reviewed in the following paragraphs, the term globalization has been used as an instrument emptied of content that allows explaining events, and on the other hand, a tool for domination from the critical approach to neoliberalism (Hirsch, 1997). In the same way, globalization has been defined as an economic process, which represents a reductionism that prevents the revision and theoretical approach of the globalized.
It is likely that the definition of globalization has not been as questioned as in times of a pandemic. This, because the analysis and description -understood as different times and forms of study- of the events that shelter the "new normality" must contemplate a clear approach -as far as possible- about what a globalized world is. For this reason, some definitions of the term are reviewed to identify its relationship with capitalism and understand how the international system is configured in the face of the pandemic. In addition, an attempt is made to answer some questions that arise simultaneously with the health emergency: is there a break with globalization? Is globalization an economic term? Does the trade blockade or product discrimination mean a new world order? Are we experiencing new international dynamics? Does the closing of borders mean a break with the principles of globalization?
Finally, an attempt is made to describe the relationship between globalization and the Nation-State from the theory of complex interdependence, which includes a discussion between the different theoretical approaches that recognize -or not- the role of the State in the formulation of public policy, accepting the entry of new actors, such as supranational organizations, non-governmental organizations, transnational companies, etc. It should be clarified that here I expressed more questions than answers, however, the works that I try to introduce put on the table theoretical discussions that nourish not only established questions, but also answer their own questions from various areas of the social sciences, which It indisputably enriches the debate.


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How to Cite
Zaruma , J. (2020). Globalization, Capitalism and emergency- New Word Order. Sur Academia: Revista Académica-Investigativa De La Facultad Jurídica, Social Y Administrativa, 7(14), 9–16.


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