Nematodes associated with weeds in San Lorenzo, Paraguay
Phytoparasitic nematodes, Weed plants, Tylenchus, AphelenchoidesAbstract
Weeds act as a reservoir for nematodes, even in non-crop seasons. The detection of these associations can help to identify and predict the species of phytoparasitic and beneficial nematodes ocurring in the soil, which may vary depending on the weed species, in this way, nematodes that potentially affect future crops could be known. The objective was to identify genera of nematodes associated with Cenchrus echinatus, Acanthospermum hispidum, Ipomoea nil, Cyperus esculentus and Urochloa sp., the most frequent weed species in crop production plots in San Lorenzo, Paraguay. The extraction of nematodes was carried out from soil samples of the rhizosphere of each weed species, by the Cobb method and flotation in sugar, and the association was determinated by identification at the genus level and quantification of the specimens. The most abundant nematode found was Tylenchus (42%), which was associated with all weed species studied. 32.5% corresponded to specimens of the plant parasite genus Aphelenchoides, detected in A. hispidum, I. nil, C. esculentus and Urochloa sp. Other plant parasite genera detected were Helicotylenchus (7.1% of the population), Dorylaimus (4.7%), Tylenchorhynchus (1.6%) and Hemicycliophora (1.6%). In addition, two genera of saprophagous nematodes were identified: Mononchus (6.7% of the population) associated with C. echinatus, A. hispidum, I. nil and Urochloa sp., and Cephalobus (3.9%), associated with C. echinatus and Urochloa sp. This is the first study that explore the association of nematodes with weed species in Paraguay.References
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