Beekeeping sustainability in San Pedro de Vilcabamba, southern Ecuador
Bees, biodiversity, conservation, economic, ecosystems, environmental, socialAbstract
Beekeeping is a sustainable activity for rural populations. In southern Ecuador, Podocarpus National Park (PNP) is a protected area with a rich biodiversity of flora that can be seized for beekeeping activities. Bees inhabit all ecosystems; however, these insects are currently facing serious problems due to the degradation of ecosystems. The objective of this research was to evaluate the sustainability in the social (CSI), economic (KI) and environmental (EI) dimensions of beekeeping by the Association of Beekeepers of San Pedro de Vilcabamba, to contribute with the management and conservation of the ecosystems of the Southern Region of Ecuador. Based on Sarandón’s methodological proposal, an interdisciplinary assessment and evaluation of the sustainability of beekeeping was carried out through the construction of nine indicators and 43 sub-indicators in the three dimensions CSI, KI, and EI. The following values were considered for the indicators: 0 = bad, 1 = good and 2 = very good. The quantitative valuation of beekeeping sustainability was 1.61 and the values obtained in the CSI dimension were 1.65, in the EI 1.56 and in the KI 1.61. The results of this research show that beekeeping is a socially just, economically profitable, and environmentally sustainable activity. Therefore, beekeeping can be projected to be a productive activity in rural families in the country.Metrics
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