Manufacturing of recycled HDPE plates as a sustainable alternative in product development
Circular Design, High Density Polyethylene, Recovery, Recycle, SustainabilityAbstract
The evolution in the use of plastics has exceeded expectations in many industry sectors due to material science and technology, which focuses on discovering and experimenting with new alternatives for the efficient use of plastic properties and the sustainable consumption of resources for their transformation. However, the exponential production and irrational use of plastics generate issues with waste management, as in many cases, proper management is not followed, which could provide solutions for recovery and recycling. This research is based on the principles of sustainability and circular design, where it is necessary to implement local solutions that contribute to global needs for resource conservation. In this sense, a recycling strategy for High-Density Polyethylene (HDPE) caps is presented, obtained through individual collection. A recycling process is also implemented that facilitates the manual, non-industrialized manufacturing of standard-sized plates, demonstrating that HDPE plates achieve physical and mechanical properties that allow them to be used as raw material for product development. Finally, it is considered that these strategies contribute to strengthening the culture of material recovery that is potentially recyclable under non-industrialized processes.References
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