Characterization and analysis of profitability of systems of livestock production in the Yantzaza Canton, Ecuador
bene t/cost, amazon region, livestock pro tability, traditional livestock system, silvopastoral system.Abstract
This study presents data on characterization and pro tability of livestock production systems present in the Canton Yantzaza. For which interviews were conducted at 49 producers a total of 300 farmers present in the Canton Yantzaza; with 49 producers was performed an cluster analysis, using as variables the use of protein fodder banks, improved pastures more scattered trees, hedges with shrub forage species, and milk production. The cluster analysis separated two groups of producers, producers with Silvopastoral System and producers with Traditional System; and of each group were selected seven producers to evaluate the pro tability of each of these production systems analyzing Bene t/Cost as nancial indicator. It was found that producers with Silvopastoral systems presented a Bene t/ Cost of USD1.27/ha, which was higher than the values obtained by traditional livestock production systems who showed Bene t/Cost of USD 1.09/ha.Metrics
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