The work of the father of the family and the social development of their children


  • Carmita del Rocío Núñez López Universidad Técnica de Ambato
  • Ángela Verónica Paredes Núñez
  • Medardo Andrés Paredes Núñez Clínica de especialidades médicas Urológicas
  • Myriam Viviana Pérez Constante Universidad Técnica de Ambato
  • Bladimir Lanch Tenecota Universidad Técnica Indoamérica


Communication, Development, Failure, Home, Socialization.


This research was based on the actions of the family father over the social development of the students of the Unidad Educativa Mayor Ambato of the province of Tungurahua. The work and responsibility of the family father determine the actions of the children at both home and the educational center, influencing the level of social development. Teenagers with rebellious, aggressive and violent behaviors are usually related to parents that ignore the disruptive behaviors and negative attitudes of their children. The aim of this research is to determine the influence of the father in the development and the modification of behavior of his children, by analyzing the problems that lead them to rebellion. The methodology used is semi-quantitative research through surveys with structured questionnaire applied to parents. The results showed that without the involvement of the father in his family actions, disrespect and disobedience of their children will be generate. We concluded that the father's work is fundamental for the social, moral, educational and affective development of his children. 


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How to Cite

Núñez López, C. del R., Paredes Núñez, Ángela V., Paredes Núñez, M. A., Pérez Constante, M. V., & Lanch Tenecota, B. (2017). The work of the father of the family and the social development of their children. CEDAMAZ, 7(1). Retrieved from



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