Speech-Language Pathology and Deafblindness: A Phenomenological Analysis of the Roles of Speech-Language Pathologists in the Care of Individuals with Deafblindness
deafblindness, professional roles of the speech and language pathologist, speech and language pathologist care for the deafblind person.Abstract
The general objective of this research was to understand the roles of the speech and language pathologist (SLP) in the care of people with deafblindness in Colombia and Spain, from a phenomenological perspective with a qualitative descriptive approach that recognizes the importance of inductively analyzing the functions of the SLP. Based on the data collected through individual semi-structured interviews and questionnaires that the professionals provided, testimonies and experiences were known about different aspects of this process. Based on a content analysis, the data were organized into different categories. The results allowed us to evaluate and understand the dynamics of care established between the SLP and the person with deafblindness in Colombia and Spain. This experience allowed us to know what professionals know about deafblindness, what their training in this area has been like, what the impact of deafblindness is on the affected person, what their professional challenges are and how they solve or try to solve the dilemmas that arise present in the evaluation and intervention of this population. From the analysis of the data, it was evident that the level of training of SLP in terms of caring for deafblind people was quite limited and in some cases non-existent, which is why it is proposed as a solution to design a professional training program in the future for SLP aimed at developing the necessary skills for adequate care for the deafblind person which helps create the best possible conditions to achieve efficient communication and thus increase their quality of life and that of their family.References
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