Effect of foreign direct investment on unemployment globally

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Daniela López
Jimmy Rocano


The objective of this radical investigation in a loss of the relationship between direct foreign investment and unemployment globally during the period 1991-2015. For the development, annual data from the World Development Indicators of the World Bank of the previous years are specified and the countries are classified according to their level of income by the atlas method. This research deals with how unemployment is an important factor in measuring the level of the country’s economy, with foreign investment being one of the main factors that affect this phenomenon. The main result found was that foreign direct investment is an important factor for the changes that the unemployment rate in a country can undergo, since it has a strong relationship in the short and long term.

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How to Cite
López, D., & Rocano, J. (2020). Effect of foreign direct investment on unemployment globally. Revista Económica, 5(1), 64–72. Retrieved from https://revistas.unl.edu.ec/index.php/economica/article/view/773


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