Euthanasia in Ecuador, a perspective from the technological, medical and institutional approach.

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Juan Carlos Montaño Escobar


Life, in any of its manifestations, must be protected by all state apparatus, and through the public policies necessary for such a commendable goal. This apology expresses the primary purpose of human rights in the international context, since the right to life is the first and most important in the constitutional, jurisprudential and institutional development in the countries of the world; However, in Ecuador, the issuance of ruling No. 67-23 issued in 2024 by the Constitutional Court of Ecuador, establishes a unique and exclusive condition that gives way to assisted death, an aspect that makes Ecuador the second country in South America, in allowing a patient with a serious terminal illness or incurable injuries to request to end his or her life through the intervention of a doctor under a specific procedure. This investigation will expose some elements and arguments that will allow us to present a dissenting criterion to the content of this ruling, based mainly on the Ecuadorian reality and on the way in which this jurisprudence was structured and intended to be applied in the conglomerate, especially in the medical and technological in which an argumentative deficiency is repaired. The qualitative approach of this research considered the use of dogmatic legal, analytical-synthetic and exegetical research methods as the main methods to achieve the academic goal proposed in this study.

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How to Cite
Montaño Escobar, J. C. (2025). Euthanasia in Ecuador, a perspective from the technological, medical and institutional approach. Sur Academia: Revista Académica-Investigativa De La Facultad Jurídica, Social Y Administrativa, 12(23).
Artículos de Investigación científica y tecnológica


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