La fiscalización de la supremacía constitucional como función del juez constitucional.
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The constitutional justice in Ecuador has several edges, among them the lack of uniformity in the rulings that resolve the jurisdictional guarantees that on multiple occasions are contradictory and attend to personal and conjunctural circumstances of the judge and the procedural parties. Many times the wrong judgment or not of a judge affects the understanding of the defendants about their decision. It has been demonstrated that when the constitutional judge wishes to accept a demand for a jurisdictional guarantee, he resolves by protecting his decision in the principles and rights established in the Constitution of the Republic, however, if his claim is to deny such demand, he bases his decision on the rules. established in the Organic Law of Jurisdictional Guarantees and Constitutional Control. For this reason, I will refer to the supervisory function of the Constitutional Judge and the supremacy of the constitutional norm.
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How to Cite
SALINAS ORDOÑEZ, M. E. (2020). La fiscalización de la supremacía constitucional como función del juez constitucional . Sur Academia: Revista Académica-Investigativa De La Facultad Jurídica, Social Y Administrativa, 7(14), 129–140.
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