Ethical hacking in the financial sector

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Marcelo León Castro
Paulina León


In this article we analyze the benefits of ethical hacking in banking institutions, it also evaluates the security of information that is related to financial institutions, which are currently the main causes of computer attacks. Therefore, you have to take into account that this in its entirety must be in a computer security, a validation by the different security standards and guaranteed by an ethical hacker, and that is the person who has his own tool to work, providing a better service to financial institutions. In order to have a hacking, it is necessary to have the company's permission, avoiding problems in the future, it is necessary to make a reliability contract, indicating which are the responsibilities that you must fulfill. Exposing the benefits in financial institutions at the time of having an ethical hacking, which seeks to avoid the vulnerabilities of financial institutions.


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How to Cite
León Castro, M., & León, P. (2021). Ethical hacking in the financial sector. Sur Academia: Revista Académica-Investigativa De La Facultad Jurídica, Social Y Administrativa, 8(15), 83–89.
Artículos de Revisión


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