Typification of the productive systems in the Campana-Malacatos irrigation project of the Loja canton - Loja province


  • Luz Morocho-Durazno National University of Loja
  • Marlon Chamba Universidad Nacional de Loja
  • Edison Vásquez National University of Loja


productive systems, classification of producers, irrigation board, economic valuation


Understanding the phenomena and changes that occur in peasant production systems requires and analysis that incorporates social, economic, technological and environmental aspects. In these circumstances, the objective was to typify the productive systems in the irrigation system Campa-na-Malacatos, it was required to collect information from primary sources through the application of 317 surveys; complementary information through interviews with professionals and relevant actors in the area who are knowledgeable about economic, social and productive development is-sues; and, secondary information obtained from various publications and technical reports in libra-ries, public institutions and the internet. There are 5735 Units of Agricultural Production (UPAs) in 10 irrigation boards that cover an area of 748,65 ha, with own land (90 %) and leased (10 %), with short and annual crops, pastures and forest, complemented with the raising of smaller and older animals; they use family and salaried labor, traditional technology and ancestral cultural practices. Concludes with the detection of three types of producers were detected: small subsistence farmers (44 %) characterized by poor availability of land and selling their labor; small intensive peasant (36 %), with surplus production and favorable access to land; and an extensive small farmer (20 %) who has capital, maximizes value added per hectare, has access to more land and hires labor. The Net Value per Family Work Unit (VAN / UTF) for typology 1 is 2 025 USD / year, for typolo-gy 2 from 3 969 USD / year and for typology 3, from 8 077 169 USD / year.


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How to Cite

Morocho-Durazno , L., Chamba, M., & Vásquez, E. (2018). Typification of the productive systems in the Campana-Malacatos irrigation project of the Loja canton - Loja province. Bosques Latitud Cero, 8(1), 96–108. Retrieved from https://revistas.unl.edu.ec/index.php/bosques/article/view/416




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