Acute suppurative Epiploitis, surgical treatment: case report


  • Wilmer Oscar Sarango Peláez Hospital General Julius Doepfner, Zamora Chinchipe, Ecuador Carrera de Medicina, Facultad de la Salud Humana, Universidad Nacional de Loja, Loja, Ecuador
  • José Manuel Cumbicos Ortega Centro de Salud Lauro Guerrero, Paltas, Loja, Ecuador
  • Danny Marcelo Vargas Ulloa Hospital General Julius Doepfner, Zamora Chinchipe, Ecuador
  • Mayra Alejandra Romero Feijoó SOLCA, Zamora Chinchipe, Ecuador
  • Nancy Carolina Muñoz Cabrera Hospital General Julius Doepfner, Zamora Chinchipe, Ecuador
  • Ezequiel Francisco Jiménez Jiménez Gobierno Autónomo Descentralizado de Espíndola, Espíndola, Loja, Ecuador



Epiploic appendix, Acute abdomen


Acute epiploitis is an extremely rare clinical nosology, which is apparently caused by torsion or thrombosis of the vascular pedicle of an epiploic appendix; resulting in an ischemic infarction of the fat accompanied by peritoneal irritation, causing a picture of acute abdominal pain, similar to that of acute appendicitis or diverticulitis and thus leading to unnecessary surgical intervention. Next, a case of acute suppurative epiploitis is presented in a young male patient, presenting clinical symptoms of an acute abdomen, which, after corroborating the results of the complementary tests, is classified as an acute inflammatory abdomen, with localized peritonitis with altered laboratory data, which required surgical intervention prior to a diagnostic laparoscopy, finding a necrotic inflammatory mass with fibrin on the anterior side of the right omentum, adhered to the antimesenteric edge of the right colon 10 cm from the ileocecal valve, where He decides to perform, under surgical criteria, a clipping of the base of the epilopoic appendix and resection of the attached omentum. It is decided to carry out a histopathology of the extracted tissue, obtaining the result of an acute suppurative epiploitis. It is concluded, before a localized acute abdomen, especially in afebrile young patient who presents analytical alterations; leukocytosis with a shift to the left, confirming the diagnosis with ultrasound and/or tomography, and in this way we avoid starting antibiotic therapy or unnecessary surgical interventions. Treatment is conservative with oral analgesics, reserving surgery for complicated cases or with poor clinical evolution.   


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How to Cite

Sarango Peláez, W. O., Cumbicos Ortega, J. M. ., Vargas Ulloa, D. M. ., Romero Feijoó, M. A. ., Muñoz Cabrera, N. C. ., & Jiménez Jiménez, E. F. . (2022). Acute suppurative Epiploitis, surgical treatment: case report. CEDAMAZ, 12(2).



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