Effects of a program of aquatic activities on pregnant women’s health
Physical activity, Lumbar hyperlordosis, Health, Pregnancy, Aquatic environment.Abstract
Pregnancy is a natural period in women where healthy condition may improve with physical activity. The aim of this research was to determine the effects of a program of physical activity in the aquatic environment on health in pregnant women. A randomized controlled trial with a standardized protocol of physical activity in aquatic environment was performed in 24 pregnant women aged 14 to 42 years old. A standard training protocol was designed for four days a week of 30 minutes at the start up to 45 minutes duration in each session, during 12 weeks, with an increasing intensity from light to moderate, and a maximum heart rate between 40% and 75%. The condition of the mother was monitored with obstetricians, pre-and post-tests were performed of hip curvature with clinical test of the sagittal arrows as the main assessment, and as secondary evaluations we measured the physical condition through the modified Cooper test, the maximum heart rate, the lipid factor, the blood glucose, the weight, and the body-mass index. All evaluated parameters decreased and the physical condition improved, compared with the control group, concluding that physical activity in the aquatic environment is beneficial for pregnant women.Metrics
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