Environmental pollution index, non-renewable energy consumption, and energy efficiency policies in Ecuador

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Yajaira Pinzón
Patricia Guerrero-Riofrio


Environmental degradation is closely linked to economic activities such as agricultural and industrial production and the consumption of energy from non-renewable sources. In the global panorama, the burning of fossil fuels represents the fundamental pillar of the energy system. In Ecuador, emissions of polluting gases reach approximately 40.5 million tons annually. Furthermore, the structural characteristics of this country are responsible for the emissions of methane, sulfur and other pollutants. In this context, the objective of this research was to analyze the relationship between the environmental pollution index and non-renewable energy consumption in Ecuador during the period 1970-2019. This relationship was modeled through the implementation of energy efficiency policies. The data was extracted from the World Development Indicators (2020) and Our World in Data (2021). The methodology includes the use of time series cointegration techniques, vector autoregressive models, error correction models and causality tests. The results of the study revealed that there is both a short-term and long-term balance relationship between non-renewable energy consumption and the environmental pollution index; as well as a causal relationship. Therefore, future policies must be oriented towards promoting the use of renewable energy to achieve sustainable economic growth.


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How to Cite
Pinzón , Y., & Guerrero-Riofrio, P. (2024). Environmental pollution index, non-renewable energy consumption, and energy efficiency policies in Ecuador. Revista Económica, 12(1), 102–117. https://doi.org/10.54753/rve.v12i1.2048


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