Social Networks and their influence on microenterprise development: Loja-Ecuador case.

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Max Boada


Social networks have become business tools, their use has drastically developed in their different potentialities for commercialization at different business levels, the objective of this research is based on describing and understanding what is the relationship that social networks have, and the administrative processes of microenterprises in the city of Loja, Ecuador. With a significant development in the SME sector, it is important to understand the relationship of the new information technologies in their business innovation processes, taking a sample of 105 microentrepreneurs, it was possible to design an exploratory-conclusive research, where fundamental characteristics could be described on how the use of social networks affects the different activities that a micro-enterprise; correlating two study variables: V1: Social network most used for business development, and V2: commercial performance factors, a Pearson correlational analysis was executed to be able to measure their relationship within the microenterprise from Loja; resulting the social networks most used by local SMEs are: Facebook, Instagram and WhatsApp having a direct impact on advertising, when selling and marketing the product, for brand positioning, discounts, and getting more customers, concluding a correlation of strength high between the two study variables.


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How to Cite
Boada, M. (2022). Social Networks and their influence on microenterprise development: Loja-Ecuador case. Sur Academia: Revista Académica-Investigativa De La Facultad Jurídica, Social Y Administrativa, 9(17), 35–50.
Artículos de Investigación científica y tecnológica


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